Zoey is Now 13 Months, Can you Believe It?
Zoey had her One Year Well Baby Visit Today! The Shots part was not fun but Zoey did get a clean bill of health. She is growing normally and doing exactly what she should be doing at this age. As you can see from her Toothy grin, she has 8 teeth now and she loves to gnaw on everything she can get her hands on. She LOVES to look at books and play with stacking toys. Her favorite stuffed animal is this demented looking beaver with gnarly teeth (an Ikea special!). Dancing and Being in the Water are daily rituals and if you think Mommy and Daddy can talk, wait until you sit in a room with this little girl, she's a Ham! We are excited for summer! Long awaited vacations, sun, sand and an awesome swimming pool. Come Visit! Summer is only 12 weeks long!
Zoey's 13 Month Stats: 30 1/2 inches Long (2' 6.5") 78th Percentile
22lbs 11oz 66th Percentile