Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving "Stew"

Who makes Thanksgiving fun? Uncle Stew makes Thanksgiving fun! Here are some of the Adventures of Little Zoey and Uncle Stew. Warning: There are lots of action shots!!!!!!

There were Cups!

There were Spoons!

And a Dish named Auntie Nikki!

And she was so excited that all she could eat was this roll. No Turkey, No Stuffing and No Pie!!
Just one of the best days of her life!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Zoey's New Coat!

Grandma Moody sent Zoey a new coat! It is soft and warm and just right for the upcoming holidays! Thank You Grandma! Of course Mom had to get the woobie away and her favorite show was on TV so she could not get her full attention......but hey, she looks cute!

here are the fun action shots that didn't make it to the photo spread.....Toddler Power!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


18 Months

She is now a year and a half. Can you believe it? Zoey is talking so much and is no longer a baby. She is doing more little girl things every day. Here are some of the photos from her "birthday" on November 2nd!

About Me

My photo
I was born on Friday May 2nd 2008 at 12:34pm. I weighed 7lbs 3oz and measured in at 18"