Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Four Days of Christmas

It was a good year for Zoey. She was NOT on the Naughty list. We know this because of all the wonderful gifts she received from Santa as well as from friends and family. Here are a few photos we were able to take during this very busy time!

Zoey with her new Potty!

Daddy got Zoey a tricycle and she loves to have Grandma Cricket and Mommy ride it......Grandma and Mommy didn't love it as much as she does.

"Although Papa can be scary at first.......I still think he is pretty cool"

And the MacFadgen's.....We Dance!
Happy New Year Every One!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Umbrella Love

She fell in love with her new gloves and this Paul Frank Umbrella! She LOVED being out in the snow today!!


We got outside early so we could enjoy some snow! Daddy made a little snowman just for Zoey and she loved it! So much fun!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Zoey Visits The MacFadgens

Last Week Zoey visited with Auntie Pauline and Uncle Billy. She had an amazing time with her Cousins Julie and Jessie and a little friend named Andrew. Here are some photos of her fun filled day.

This is the first photo I took that day. Andrew could not wait to kiss and hug Zoey. At first Zoey was all into it....then she was done. You will notice that most of these pictures are blurry. They were so excited and moving so fast it was virtually impossible to capture the moment with my point and shoot camera.

Screaming, running and kissing.....ahhh thats the life!

Chocolate Cupcakes.................

It was Girl Time with Julie and Jessie and they had a blast. Thank you for giving Zoey the time of her life!

About Me

My photo
I was born on Friday May 2nd 2008 at 12:34pm. I weighed 7lbs 3oz and measured in at 18"